School Transport Assistance for students with disabilities program
As a parent, you have responsibility for providing or arranging your child's transport between school and home. If you believe there will be difficulty in getting your child to school, you are able to request an assessment to determine eligibility for transport assistance. This is a formal assessment undertaken at the school by a trained school transport assessor. To be eligible, a student must have a disability that necessitates the provision of transport assistance.
More information can be found on the School Transport Assistance Program website.
If you are eligible for contract transport assistance it is the parents/carers responsibility to:
ensure that you, or another responsible adult, are present with your child ready to meet the transport driver at the specified time and place in the morning and afternoon
provide any car seats or specialised equipment (e.g. harness or other specialised seating) that your child requires to travel safely
Cancellation or change of address
If you need to cancel transport, change address or attend Respite, you must let the school know as the school needs to process forms with Queensland Transport which can take up to a week to process.
If your child is absent from school for whatever reason and uses bus or taxi transport, it is the parents/carers responsibility to contact Turtle Cove Buses or the 13Cabs directly to advise them of the change.
Ace Buses: 54967440 or mobile 0402271923
Bundaberg Taxi Service: 0448771945