Bundaberg Special School by VET trained school staff. These courses are overseen and managed by the SETA central RTO based at Western Suburbs Special School (RTO 41021). On successful completion of the course each student is awarded a nationally recognised qualification. If a student does not complete the full qualification, they would then receive a Statement of Attainment outlining the units that have been successfully completed
The courses offered at Bundaberg Special School are:
· SIT10222 – Certificate I Hospitality
· CHC14015– Certificate I Active Volunteering
For more information on SETA, specific certificate courses and copies of the complaints and appeals policy, please visit www.seta.eq.edu.au
Certificate 1 HospitalityThe Certificate I Hospitality (SIT10222) course focuses on the basic skill sets needed to work in the front of house area of the hospitality industry.
This course runs over 2 years and the 6 units of competency that make up this course are clustered across 3 clustered assessment books that students are required to complete:
1. Hospitality Hygiene
2. Safe and Clean Hospitality Service
3. Hospitality Service
Students are required to participate in a variety of projects relating to various aspects of the front of house role specific to individual school contexts and align directly with practical internal work experience programs where students physically work in hospitality settings. Hospitality students run the school tuckshop and coffee club.
Certificate 1 Active Volunteering The Certificate I Active Volunteering (CHC14015) course focuses on the core skills necessary to volunteer as part of a volunteering organisation. This course is designed for students to make positive community links whilst at school that they can continue to engage with post school.
This course runs over 2 years and the 5 units of competency that make up this course are clustered across 5 work folios that students are required to complete:
1. Introduction to volunteering environments
2. Safety in a volunteering environment
3. The importance of diversity in volunteering
4. Being a volunteer
5. Practical Volunteering
Students will participate in at least 20 hours of volunteering across the course coordinated by the VET teacher.