
Let's Talk


All children need access to their voice to have a chat, ask for help and engage in their learning. For some of our students this is using AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) such as a communication device or sign language.  Our school has prioritised communication in our explicit agenda for 2021 and is committed to continue to build staff and families capacity to support our students to use their chosen method. 

Recently our school had the privilege of inviting Speech Language Pathologist Amanda Hartmann to our school. Over 3 days Amanda shared her wealth of knowledge and passion for AAC when working within our classrooms and providing advice to our staff.

If you think your child might benefit from speech therapy or a communication device, but you are unsure how to go about accessing it, then we invite you to attend a NDIS information session here at the school on the 17th March at 9.15am. This session will provide you with the information you need to link with speech therapy services to support your child's communication. 

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Last reviewed 04 March 2021
Last updated 04 March 2021